How we contribute

United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

All UN member states adopted the “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” that outlines a plan of action for people, planet, and prosperity and includes 17 SDGs (along with 169 targets) that are the stepping stones towards reaching this Agenda. Careteam is a global innovation company working to contribute to this plan of action, and we focus specifically on the following 8 SDG’s:

Good Health
and Well-being

Focused on creating technology to help people better manage their health issues and feel more supported during their health care journey.


Providing credible, relevant information and resources to patients, families and their healthcare team to enable them to take the right actions at the right time.


Making it easier to share caretaking responsibilities as women have historically carried too much of the effort caring for people who needed support.

Decent Work and
Economic Growth

Enhancing communication and teamwork between care providers and organizations to improve productivity.

Industry, Innovation
and Infrastructure

Building sustainable software and promoting health technology innovation that supports the health care delivery and continuous improvement.


Giving patients greater access to health resources and the power to use their care partners and health team to help with their healthcare.

Peace, Justice and
Strong Institutions

Building technology that keeps health care institutions and organizations accountable and effective through data and insights.

Partnerships to
Achieve the Goals

Uniting with other health innovators to further implement the SDG goals as together we can achieve more than on our own.