Actively manage ED patient flow

The Emergency Department (ED) Patient Flow component allows physicians to view and manage their team and their patient population in an organized, efficient manner.

It provides a snapshot of how many patients a team currently has (Patient census), how many patients the team is willing to accept/admit (Can take) and how many patients have been admitted to each team for the chosen date (Taken).

The ED Intake allows for distributed management of patients for Programs/Services intaking patients.

How it works

Created for the complexities of real acute care settings

All components were co-designed and validated in real clinical settings with over 2,400 clinical users. Care Connector ensures the entire team is up to speed, reducing time spent on redundant data entry and lessening the likelihood of missing information.

Active management

Enable the team to proactively manage each patient to speed up discharge home or accelerate admission to the hospital.

Powerful fast communication

The dashboards allow everyone to quickly see exactly what they need to know in order to take the right action to reach the right decisions across all their patients.